Tuesday, February 28, 2012


As we start sailing from Norfolk Virginia, hundreds to thousands of birds flying and diving by the stern side of our ship. The scene is so astonishing. I took my "Canon Rebel T2i" with its kit lens 55-250mm IS II and did plenty of shots. I found this one perfect. Immediately I uploaded it to "Facebook" to let my friends see the beauty of this bird. My friends were amazed and they liked it for real. My siblings "who also loves taking pictures", were greatly amazed and appreciated it much. I really thanked God for this wonderful creation He has. Now, I am becoming so tied up with this passion that I have.
Ever since I was a child, i greatly appreciate the wonders of nature. We lived in a rural area (Camp Phillips Bukidnon PH) and there are exotic animals (iguanas, geckos, monitor lizards, flying lizards,wild birds, etc) in there. ( Oh God I miss Home). I love watching Discovery Channel, National Geographic, and web photos of great photographers. I have now the luxury of buying high-end DSLR and I will show to you all the beauty of the World through my Photos.

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