Tuesday, July 17, 2012


This bird (locally named Goryon or Maya) is widely spread in the Philippines and probably in all tropical countries. In fact I have seen one of these when I was in Guinea, West Africa.
I remember when I was a child, I used to hit this bird using Slingshot Channel ("Pitik or tirador"). I was so proud as a child and I believe most of you experienced it too.  Moreover our church has plenty (hundreds or thousands) of nests at the ceiling. So everytime we attend the Eucharistic celebration, we are so careful not to be hit by its feces. 
Today, I enjoyed watching these little creatures. Nature keeps on amusing me. With my Canon Rebelt2i and 55-250mm IS lens, I took a shot  (f5.6, 1/250,ISO100) so wonderful for my eyes to see.  Then I made a minute processing in Lightroom . I hope you  like it. 

Please take care of our Mother Nature.


  1. I thought Maya bird is smaller with white beaks. -(^^j)- hmmmm.. nice jud pag naa cam na tsada.. eheh

  2. thanks yan, anyways...it's not with the camera, but its with ones' EYEs!

  3. correction... Maya is different from Goryon...
